FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Has your loan transferred to Servbank? Click here for more details about our process.


FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Mobile Banking

Mobile Banking

Mobile web banking is simple and secure

Just log on to servbank.com using your existing User ID and Password and your phone’s web browser.

Try it today, download the app – go to Apple or Google Play stores.


With Servbank and Mobile Web Banking, you can access your finances anywhere, anytime. All you need is a smartphone with a browser and you’re set.


  • View account balances
  • Review transaction history
  • Transfer funds 

Pay bills

  • Best of all, Servbank Web Banking is FREE.
  • It’s the most convenient option for maximum account access for wherever life takes you.
  • Message and data rates may apply from your wireless carrier.

Text Message Banking

Your Account Balances are a Text Away

Text Message Banking makes it easy to access account balances and transactions, right on your mobile phone. It’s the fastest way to get your balances -anytime, anywhere.

As simple as texting your friends!

Just text a short command to 454545, and you will quickly receive the information you want. Here are some of the requests you can make with Text Message Banking:

BAL – Current and available balances for a primary account you designate

LAST – The last five transactions in your primary account.

BAL ALL – Current and available balances for all the accounts

Secure access to your balances and transactions

Not only is Text Message Banking fast and free*, it is secure. You must first log into our secure internet banking site and have your phone in your possession in order to complete enrollment. We text an activation code to your phone that you must enter into the internet banking site in order to activate Text Message Banking. Also, we never send confidential information such as user ID’s, passwords, or complete account numbers via Text Message Banking.

Learn more and get started today!

To get started with Text Message Banking, log into Internet Banking and look for the Mobile Banking & Alerts button to activate your phone.

* Standard carrier rates and fees apply.